Sunday, June 5, 2011

by Chris Guillebeau

If we live truly, we shall see truly. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Not everyone wants to travel the world, but most people can identify at least one place in the world they’d like to visit before they die. Where is that place for you, and what will you do to make sure you get there?


There are not so far away places on my "must see" list like San Francisco and Yosemite. There are places like the Sistine Chapel that I have seen but would like to see post-restoration and cleaning, or that I saw as a young adult and would see differently as a "mature" adult. Then there are the places that are awe inspiring like the Himalayas and Andes mountain ranges, and the Great Wall.

In some respects, the "everyday" travels are the most important, and ones which should be valued and looked for as most of us live in "everyday" mode.

With that in mind, I look for the nearby adventures like art exhibits, festivals, and new for me, paddling events (perhaps a good example of making the everyday new and fun).

One ongoing goal is to see a series of art exhibits which came about by the keen eye and collecting skills of Herb and Dorothy Vogle. I heard about them a few years ago, saw a charming documentary about them, and set about finding the 50 for 50 exhibits which are the result of their phenomenal art collection. Information on the Vogles and the exhibits is here.

With that in mind, my friend Kathleen and I celebrated out 50th birthdays with friends and family at the Georgia exhibit of 50 for 50 in April.

I'll get to some of the places on my "must see" list, but seeing, finding, and enjoying the less exotic are equally important.

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