Thursday, September 29, 2011

Driving Co-op Reform

This morning's scan of the news included three articles on Cobb EMC. I couldn't have started the day any better.

The Cherokee Tribune reported that the current Chair, Larry Chadwick (serving since 1982) and the Vice-Chair, Sarah Brown (elected in 1979) will not pursue re-election. The Atlanta Journal Constitution includes an article on the "New Day" at Cobb EMC, which will include open board meetings, quarterly reports, a member advisory committee, a new logo, and bills for service coming from the co-op, not the beleaguered for-profit Cobb Energy. The Marietta Daily Journal, which has faithfully stayed on top of this complex and long lived issue, included the recent release of Chip Nelson's salary as the new EMC CEO.

I had no idea that today would be the first time I could tell fellow Washington EMC co-op members that if Cobb can begin to operate in a transparent manner that better serves the members, surely we can do the same here.

A lot of ground work has been laid for the Annual Meeting this Saturday. Some people are coming because of the opposition to the Board Chair, who has been on the board for 37 years. Others are coming with questions that deserve answers. Some are coming for both. Maybe the bonus will be that members who come because of the door prizes stay for the question and answer session with the Board, and see there are other benefits to membership besides a chance at a nice door prize.        


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